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smoke stack on the tiled roof of a family house

Comprehensive Chimney and Masonry Repair Services

The experts at ChimneyTEK are highly trained in a variety of services you may need to get your chimney back in working order. No matter which service best fits your needs, you’ll have peace of mind knowing our professionals will give you the best result possible. We specialize in the following types of chimney and masonry repair:

Fireplace Restoration: If your fireplace is outdated, damaged or faulty, you may be interested in a complete fireplace restoration. Our team of professionals can install a brand-new fireplace in your home, which will increase safety, comfort and overall aesthetic. Talk to one of our experts to go over your options.

Smoke chamber repair: When your smoke chamber is out of order, your fireplace and chimney are less efficient and more dangerous for you and your family. A properly functioning smoke chamber will encourage the swift removal of smoke and byproducts of combustion. If you’ve found damage or have a faulty unit, contact us for expert smoke chamber repair.

Crown repair: The crown that seals your chimney stack should provide you with years of effective service if it’s built properly – but that doesn’t mean it’s immune to cracks and deterioration from time to time. If your crown has begun to show signs of weakness or deterioration, let us help! We can seal cracks and prevent further damage from occurring. We can even rebuild your crown if it was improperly constructed. Find out more about our crown repair services.

Tuckpointing: The mortar of a masonry chimney will naturally develop cracks and holes over time, even with the best chimney maintenance. You don’t want moisture or insects creeping into these cracks and causing further damage. To mitigate this, ChimneyTEK performs clean and effective tuckpointing, which is the removal of old, damaged mortar and the packing of new mortar in its place. We’ll leave your mortar joints durable and attractive, just like if they were brand new.

Chimney rebuilds: Sometimes chimney repair isn’t a strong enough solution to bad masonry. If your chimney is structurally unsound, it’s a serious safety hazard. Don’t allow your property to be dangerous for your family and guests. ChimneyTEK completes efficient, beautiful chimney rebuilds when a repair just isn’t enough.

Always Hire a Professional

When you experience any issues with your chimney, big or small, always call in the professionals. The most apparent advantage of hiring an expert is a guarantee that your chimney maintenance will be done correctly and up to standard. Allowing a professional to take care of chimney and masonry repair means a longer lifespan for your chimney and a reduced chance of future damage. Our team can find damage you hadn’t noticed and take care of it before it becomes a significant problem. Hiring ChimneyTEK also reduces safety risks. You won’t have to worry about carbon monoxide or other hazards you may find when making chimney repairs. Professionals know how to mitigate health risks and can get the job done safely and correctly.

Benefits of Chimney Maintenance

The biggest benefit our customers find with our chimney repair services is the better home heating experience. After we fix cracks and remove build-up from your chimney, you’ll be left with much more efficient heating. To get the most out of your fireplace, proper chimney maintenance is crucial. ChimneyTEK wants to help you maintain a properly-working chimney and fireplace. When many homeowners try to do chimney maintenance themselves, they end up inhaling harmful chemicals, placing themselves in dangerous situations or only finding a temporary fix. Don’t turn a small problem into a big one. Take full advantage of all the benefits of correct chimney maintenance with ChimneyTEK.

Call Today to Schedule Chimney Service!