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Professional Chimney Cleaning & Repair Services in Maryland

If you’re looking for the best chimney services in Maryland, you’ve found them at ChimneyTEK. We’re the trusted experts on all issues surrounding chimneys and fireplaces, including chimney sweeping and cleaning, chimney repair, and more. We provide services to residents in Glen Burnie, MD, as well as homeowners in Anne Arundel County, Howard County, and Baltimore County. We have been offering our expertise to area homeowners for more than 20 years. Our chimney cleaning company is accredited by the National Chimney Sweep Guild and the Chimney Safety Institute of America. We’re proud to offer and install home heating appliances and products from some of the top brands in the industry, including Napoleon, Regency, Hampton, Copperfield, and ChimneySaver. We provide the highest-quality chimney service and repairs with excellent customer service that will keep you coming back for all your chimney and fireplace needs.

Your Local Chimney Sweep & Repair Experts

At ChimneyTEK, no job is too big or too small for our dedicated team. Whether you need your dryer vent or chimney cleaned out or you have a large project like rebuilding your chimney or restoring your fireplace, we’re the team for the job. We are fully staffed with chimney experts, including the most thorough chimney sweeps, rebuilding specialists who restore structural integrity, and masonry repair experts who perform tuckpointing and repairs to your fireplace. We also sell and install fireplaces to upgrade your current model. If you have any service that requires the need of a chimney and fireplace expert in Maryland, please reach out to us by calling us or filling out the form on this page.

512 Crain Highway North, Suite 16
Glen Burnie, MD 21061


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Comprehensive Chimney Services

You can count on our certified chimney experts for repair, sweeping, maintenance, and more. We also offer comprehensive chimney and masonry repair services, including fireplace restoration, smoke chamber repair, crown repair, tuckpointing, and chimney rebuilds. Learn more about our chimney and venting services:

  • Chimney Sweeping – Having your chimney swept regularly can improve its performance while minimizing dangers and the need for repairs. We sweep chimneys that burn wood, gas, pellet, or oil.
  • Chimney Inspections – Annual chimney inspections can keep your chimney in great shape. Our professionals will evaluate and check for signs of damage or flaws.
  • Chimney Relining Clay tile and metal flue liners may require replacement or repair from time to time. Our team restores chimney systems using Copperfield’s Forever Flex stainless steel liners.
  • Chimney Leak Resolution – A leaking chimney can lead to thousands of dollars’ worth of damage if you don’t catch it early. Our team has the skills, tools, and products necessary to stop the moisture and keep it out. We repair damage caused by broken crowns, missing chimney caps, damaged flashing, and deteriorating masonry.
  • Chimney Masonry RepairsOur expert team can manage your chimney masonry repairs, from tuckpointing to full chimney rebuilds.

Proudly Serving Glen Burnie & the Surrounding Areas

Homeowners in Maryland count on their chimneys and fireplaces to keep them warm during the cold winter months. You also need a team of professionals you can count on to keep your chimney clean and repair it when necessary. ChimneyTEK is proud to provide our professional chimney services for homeowners in Anne Arundel, Howard, and Baltimore counties. We’re happy to service your chimney in the Beltway area, including Annapolis, Ellicott City, Columbia, Towson, Dundalk, and all the surrounding areas. We also provide service to several other cities and areas in and around Baltimore, MD. Check out our service area to find out if your location is included. If not, simply give us a call, and we’ll check to find out whether we can make it out to your home.

Contact Our Team Today

We’re Maryland’s trusted chimney and fireplace experts. ChimneyTEK has serviced thousands of homes throughout Maryland over the last 26+ years. We’re committed to keeping your home and family warmer and safer. We’re proud to be family-owned and -operated. Our chimney repair and cleaning company is licensed and insured. We provide full-service chimney and venting services that you can count on whether you’re in Baltimore, Anne Arundel, or Howard County. We believe that you deserve the best service and the best brands when it comes to your chimney. We use the top industry brands such as HomeSaver, Copperfield, Napoleon, Regency, Hampton, and more. We also offer to finance and accept a variety of payment options. Attempting to clean or repair your chimney yourself is dangerous and difficult. We strongly recommend leaving these types of services to our trained and experienced professionals. We encourage you to get in touch with us to schedule a service.

Contact Our Team Today

We would love to hear from you! Please give us a call at 410-796-8450 or fill out the form to get in touch with us.

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